An Evolution Challenge exists in any turbulent space of change, where complexity begins to trample agility, and the structure of teams, systems, and operational flow increasingly hinder the organic adaptation you need to scale and grow.
It's not sustainable. It will eventually cost you people, customers, and strategic relevance.

You didn’t get where you are by accident, and while good leadership is a combination of experience, intuitive ability and communication skills, no individual nor team is foolproof.
It’s not uncommon for a CEO or ED to experience a blow to their confidence when things feel like they are starting to go wrong for no apparent reason. Is it a sudden failure of leadership ability?
Likely not.
The truth is that organizations are continually moving through cycles of organizational growth, and with growth comes complexity that requires intentional response.
There is no single framework or off-the-shelf system that guarantees success because organizations are made up of people, and people are highly dynamic by nature. There are, however, typical patterns that arise within the lifecycle of every organization, and when we leverage that knowledge and apply an adaptive, systems-thinking approach, we can then solve for the next move and build a sustainable strategic discipline.
The decision to evolve is a pivotal one.
How you navigate it is everything.

Your organization and your challenges are unique – it’s a quantum thing.
Along with lifecycle challenges, there are other scenarios that by their very nature create complexities that must be navigated with intention due to their impact to strategy, structure, and team dynamics.
The primary mistake leaders make when facing an evolution challenge is solving for the wrong problems. Understanding your organization through a quantum-intelligent lens will tell you not just what, but how and when to navigate those changes with confidence.
New Leader / New Organization
Leaders stepping into a new environment need an efficient process for gaining deep visibility into the organization. The first 18 months present a crucial window of opportunity to solidify the confidence of key stakeholders - the clock is ticking in several areas:
Defining or refining your strategy and performance implementation plan
Coalescing your new team
Articulate both your vision and direction
Organizational or Market Disruption
Leaders experiencing significant disruption in their operation, market environment, or culture must broaden perspective and challenge status quo. The time to do this work is not when you’re in the eye of the storm, but when your instincts start signaling you that major change headed your way.
Is your formula for success still viable?
Do you need to challenge assumptions and break up status quo?
Is your team as effective as they need to be in this new environment?
Are you on the brink of losing valuable key players?
Change in Senior Team
When the structure of senior leadership shifts, it immediately changes the dynamics of the whole group. Understanding how to bring new members in, revealing perspectives and assumptions around communication, cognitive, engagement, and motivational styles significantly impacts the speed of alignment and effectiveness of the team moving forward.
You’ve made recent changes in your team, but it’s not working the way you envisioned.
Through natural attrition you’ve lost key institutional knowledge.
New energy in your team is necessary, but the results are proving to be unpredictable.
No problem is single-faceted, it is often a combination of structure, systems, culture, and alignment.
You and your team are the industry experts, I augment that expertise by leveraging my own to help identify blind spots that are often too close to see.
You need an Intelligence+Design+NavigationTM formula,
because getting it right requires all three disciplines.